Chapter 491: The Connection Between Me And Their Previous Lives

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“Hurry and solve the Ten Thousand Sages Hall!!”

Wang Xizhi barked. Her voice was hurried and restless, Ink Hero and Snow Clarity writing the best calligraphy in the world to obstruct Zhu Yuanzhang. To be unfazed after facing two Heaven Ranks, the aloof Sun And Moon True Dragon’s power was frightening. Even if a “True Spirit Projection” lacked a Destined Star Weapon, everyone still felt strained.

The sages were all very aware that if they were unable to extricate themselves from the Ten Thousand Sages Hall, they would end up the same as the Sages Of Poetry, Painting, and Essays, a True Spirit sealed in a sage stele.

The outside innumerable cultivators and Star Generals were using all their strength to drive their power in an attempt to break the Ten Thousand Sages Hall’s barrier, but this enormous power was an utterly inadequate measure in front of the hall, completely ineffectual.

The only solution was to rely on the few Star Generals that possessed the sages’ aspirations to release the steles. Even if they were unable to achieve the Hundred Sages Simultaneously Shout, completion of the stele’s topics still meant that the Ten Thousand Sages Hall’s sage power would still support them, allowing them to leave the hall.

Hearing the Sage Of Calligraphy’s urging, Su Wanyang’s forehead dripped with perspiration. Even if the Peerless Star Hero had the “Sage Of Poetry” Innate Skill, she still read many ancient scrolls in the Xinjie Academy. However, she had never experienced this type of situation.

Liu Yong also came before the sage stele that Su Shi was looking at. “Though the whole world is impure, I alone am pure. Though all people are drunk, I alone am lucid,” the girl muttered to herself, as if she understood something but was still lacking.

This was “Beauty Of Aromatic Herbs” Qu Yuan’s most famous line that she left Star World. When she uttered this phrase as she Starfell into the Miluo River, who could have imagined what the Beauty Of Aromatic Herbs was thinking back then, let alone how to answer these moving lines.

“Can’t you answer?” Chen Mo also joined in, seeing the two girls were stumped.

“This is what the ancient sage Qu Yuan left behind. How can this be answered so easily.” Su Shi was truly infuriated to death. Even if there was no one to disturb them in normal times, those with the aspiration of the sages would still require some time to comprehend it. They could not afford to be distracted at all under the current situation.

“Do not bother us, otherwise answer it yourself.” Su Shi harrumphed, turning her gaze to Liu Yong. Fortunately, this genius Liu of the Wells apparently was also challenged, making the Peerless Star Hero’s heart both a bit comforted and a bit regretful.

“Sages stagnate not on things, rather they are capable of changing with the world…This is the first part…” Liu Fengxi’s voice was soft as if she was chanting, “But I did not think there would be a second part…”

Chen Mo looked at this topic, and his previous life’s experience instantly jumped into mind.

Though the whole world is impure, I alone am pure. Though all people are drunk, I alone am lucid!

Isn’t this Qu Yuan’s The Fisherman from the Songs of Chu?

“Sages stagnate not on things, rather they are capable of changing with the world.” Chen Mo immediately recalled this phrase’s response. He sent his Divine Intent into the stele, and all of a sudden, the sage terrace vanished. A wide river appeared before them.

Chen Mo’s Divine Intent entered the sage stele, and he immediately entered the topic.

The sky was dark with rolling thunderclouds, as if a downpour was about to fall. Chen Mo knew this was a phenomenon caused by Zhu Yuanzhang’s battle with the sages outside. If he was the slightest bit inattentive, his Divine Intent would be scattered in the thunderclouds.

At this moment, a woman appeared at the riverbank.

How to describe that woman.

No, there were already no words that could describe her beauty. This eye-catching woman had only just appeared, but she gave off the kind of feeling that the Cangjie characters for “beauty” were made just for her.

All words for “most beautiful,” past and present, converged upon her.

There was no doubt.

This beautiful woman was none other than the sage, “Beauty Of Aromatic Herbs” Qu Yuan.

This was a bit of aspiration that Qu Yuan had left behind, something very miniscule. Chen Mo seemed to be watching a portrait of the past move towards him “I heard thus: those who have just washed must dust off their caps, and those who have just bathed must remove dirt from their clothes. How can one accept dirt and impurities with a cleansed body? I would rather sink into the Xiang River and bury my body in the stomachs of the fishes. How can the purest of whites be tainted by mundane filth?”

The meaning of these words was, “how can I allow my clean and pure body be tainted by impure things. That I would jump into the river and feed the fishes with my body, I cannot allow my pure reputation to be polluted by profane filth.”

Qu Yuan’s topic was double-layered. No wonder this caused the duo difficulties. An answer that could face Qu Yuan’s purity, for a time, the two girls did not know what to say. Chen Mo remembered The Fisherman and exercised the School Of Mind, placing himself in the Realm of this topic. Then, he responded: “The waters of the river are pure, and they can wash my head. The waters of the river are murky, and they can wash my feet.”

“Beauty Of Aromatic Herbs” Qu Yuan heard this and suddenly lifted her gaze. Her eyes seemed to finally stare through ten thousand years of time and finally saw Chen Mo.

Qu Yuan sighed and left in satisfaction, uttering not another word.

A white light entered Chen Mo’s jade pendant and flowed into his body. This sage stele’s aspirations were already completely received.

“Huh??? You answered it?” Su Shi looked at the stele’s aspiration energy entering Chen Mo’s body with an expression of shock. The power of that aspiration seemed to drain this stele of all power.

Liu Fengxi was impressed as she looked at Chen Mo in astonishment.

“You are not a Star General, how can you receive Qu Yuan’s satisfaction. This is impossible…” Su Wanyang’s logic was overturned.

“I have a connection to her previous live. I’ll tell you later.” Chen Mo did not have time to explain. He immediately set his eyes on the next stele. The priority was to solve these topics as quickly as possible.

Su Shi and Liu Fengxi glanced at each other, momentarily unable to come to their senses.

The next sage stele’s topic had only a few characters.

Rule all under Heaven as if you held it in your palm!

This was the first question of creating the “vast noble air” of a sage. The rest were wordless. Six characters, and at first glance, they were domineering. A mere six characters seemed to hold Heaven and Earth in their hands.

If one was not very understanding of these sages, the first answer that came to mind would certainly be that peak of arrogance, “kill whatever crosses you.”

But Chen Mo was honestly too understanding of the sages. These characters came from Mencius during the time of King Hui of Liang. Mencius advocated for lawful rulers, benevolent policies, and emphasized the importance of commoners over rulers. Tyranny was definitely not what the sage wished for.

“Care for your own elders, and the common people will do the same. Be kind to your children, and the common people will likewise be kind to theirs. Thus, you will rule all under Heaven as if you held it in your palm!”

Chen Mo answered.

The aspiration power sighed.

The sage was gone.

The third sage stele’s topic was “to be left without a response.”

This was the ancient emperor who commanded the Ten Thousand Border Star Kingdom. This emperor’s might could suppress the Eight Desolates and Nine Poles, subdue all Star Names in the world. She proclaimed her words were those of the Xuannü Of The Nine Heavens, that all in the world were to swear allegiance to her. But because she was too tyrannical, the Star Kingdom’s people were unable to make a living, and the flames of war never extinguished.

This topic was about having a Star General use “words” to render this ancient emperor unable to respond, to not dare proclaim herself the agent of the Xuannü Of The Nine Heavens..

This enormous trial was a test of a Star General’s mastery of language. Only sages could successfully persuade the ancient emperor.

The ancient emperor sat on the throne and apathetically stared at Chen Mo.

“Minister, do you wish to say something?”

Chen Mo bowed, following ancient etiquette. “Great King, suppose an official entrusts his wife and children to a friend while he himself goes on tour to a foreign kingdom. When the time came for him to return, his friend had starved his wife and children, let them freeze. What, then, should he do?”

The king disdainfully said: “Break off relations.”

Chen Mo then asked: “The great king’s judge is unable to manage his subordinates properly. What, then, should be done?”

The king coldly said: “Dismiss him!”

“You have only one question left.”

Chen Mo asked: “The Star Kingdom has ten thousand borders that are unable to properly governed. What, then, should we do?”

This arrogant and overbearing ancient emperor was taken aback, and she immediately understood this man’s vicious intent. These three questions progressed gradually, beginning with something minor before finally landing on the ruler herself. One could break off relations if their wife and daughter were left to starve, and ministers unable to govern could be dismissed from their posts, but the third problem fell directly on her. The Ten Thousand Borders Star Field was currently in an endless war, and discontent was widespread and openly voiced. This question absolutely was unable to be responded to.

The emperor’s gaze lowered, and she was no longer arrogant.

Chen Mo’s third question actually came from Mencius’ three questions on “The King Looked Around and Spoke of Other Matters,” which could be rated as an outstanding piece. The ancient emperor was left unable to respond.

Chen Mo moved like a hot knife through butter, astounding everyone with his consecutive gains of three sage stele’s aspiration energy. Su Shi, Liu Fengxi, and Huang Yuheng were stupefied. If not for the fact they personally witness these sages’ aspiration energy boost Chen Mo’s jade pendant, they would have thought that Chen Mo was merely taking random glances and moving on.

Could it be the later topics were very simple?

Su Wanyang and Liu Fengxi had the same idea. They went to the later steles. The second’s “Rule all Under Heaven as if it it were in your palm” appeared a bit profound. If it could said that Chen Mo was the sort to strive to be with all under heaven, with his generally congenial personality, this could barely be considered words of self-consolation. Then the following “to be left unable to respond” topic rendered Su Wanyang dumbstruck.

To leave a Star Kingdom’s emperor without a response using only words, this feat perhaps did not lose to the ancient sages.

“Just who is this man? Why is he like a fish back in water for these sages’ topics, to actually be able to fulfill their aspirations.” Su Wanyang was struck a blow. This man could not be the reincarnation of a Purple Rose Star, could he? But even that Purple Rose Star Emperor did not have the capabilities to receive the sages’ recognition.

“Perhaps Young Lord Chen Mo truly did have a connection to the sages in his previous life.” White Clothed Court Official Liu Fengxi’s tone was flat, her gaze nevertheless fixed intently on Chen Mo.

“Connection from a previous life…Hmph, fickle man!” Perhaps because of Chen Mo’s composure, Su Wanyang was also able to calm down, but to answer the sages’ topics, though the steles’ aspiration energy was mostly taken by Chen Mo, the Peerless Star Hero was not resigned to losing like this.

Meanwhile, everyone outside the Ten Thousand Sages Hall was stunned, but they were too much in a hurry to save the sages to think at all. They could only use all of their Star Energy to break the Ten Thousand Sages Hall.

“Teacher Guiguzi said that hidden schemes are in the formless, that eternal victory is in not striving nor wasting, but in the sage. Did she mean this sort of person?” Su Mian had a sudden idea when as she watched Chen Mo quickly answer the sages’ questions.

She recalled words her teacher uttered to her when she was little. This was the quintessence of the School Of Diplomacy, but she was unable to practice this all her life. However, today, she surprisingly sensed her teacher’s aspirations from a Star Warrior.

“This man truly will become a sage…” All of Su Mian’s hair stood on end. She did not dare imagine a man could reach a Realm her father could not.

Zhu Yuanzhang’s hand grabbed Sage Of Chess Huang Longshi’s face. Her big hand was like a vicegrip, the powerful Purple Rose Qi leaving the Sage Of Chess powerless to struggle.

But Huang Longshi was not in despair at all. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of Chen Mo’s actions, so she laughed: “Zhu Yuanzhang, you wish in vain to control the Ten Thousand Sages, but the sages would rather bequeath their aspirations to a man than give them to you. Zhu Yuanzhang, you have been spit on by the ages!!”

“After I control the Ten Thousand Sages Hall, Star World’s spiritual generals will forever extol my name. Huang Longshi, you are but one of my chess pieces, nothing more.” Zhu Yuanzhang was cold. The purple qi in her palm drew out Huang Longshi’s True Spirit and sealed it into a stele.

The fifth sage stele was completed.

At the same time, Chen Mo also used Xunzi’s “understanding the distinction between heaven and Man” to complete the fourth sage stele’s question on “Heaven and Man.”

“A man should not take part in the affairs of Star Generals.” Zhu Yuanzhang sneered. Her sun and moon pupils erupted with light.

The Sun and Moon Dragons soared, leaving the Three Sages. They transformed into Sun and Moon True Dragon Swords, bearing unequalled power as they swung at Chen Mo.

Earth Rank.

“True Dragon Cutting!!”

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