Sponsored Chapter Queue: 2 ($80/$40) <Thank you, Nolan N.!>
Please show your support by clicking on the ads or by donating~ Every little bit helps
Hi, everyone! It’s Schwarze, presenting one of several sponsored chapters of 108 Maidens! Please thank Nolan N. for his generosity!
I will be on hiatus until the middle of February. As usual, normal releases will be in limbo while sponsored chapters will still be available. I apologize for the inconvenience, but professional certifications are par for the course in my line of work. I hope you all understand!
As an aside, it seems the author combined Chapters 371 and 372 to form this monster chapter…
Su Xing comprehends the Meditative Mind Lotus Flower! Now in possession of Buddhism’s supreme treasure, Su Xing is intent on fighting back against the Six Ancestors. However, Shaqing stops him and demands he fight her instead…Why?
Thanks for doing this chapter!
Thanks To Nolan N. For Donations!