108 Maidens of Destiny: Chapter 23

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Hi, everyone! This is Schwarze_Kreuz bringing you Chapter 23 of 108 Maidens. I’m a new translator, and I decided to take on this project because I find this series very entertaining and want to see it resurrected. I haven’t come up with a set translation schedule yet, but after a few RL things settle down, I’m going to see if I can translate this on a weekly or even a daily basis! Constructive criticism on my translation is welcome!

Without further ado, here’s the chapter!

P.S. Can’t believe I forgot to do this, but everyone, please give a big round of applause to AmeryEdge for helping me set up the website and getting me started on translating this series. The resources he has provided are very much appreciated. Thank you, Amery!


  1. YAAAAS!~

    Thanks for translating this wonderful gem!!

    I hope you like this novel as it is also somewhat similar to Sekirei manga

  2. dude your the best to pick up this novel hoooooo keep up rock \m/ ………….. thanks for the chapter ….

  3. Yo, nice to see someone picking this up =)
    I recommend if you havent done it yet, contact Amery over at AmeryEdge.com. He has a lot of materials to help out whoever took over the translation if you want to take a look at them. If not that is of course fine.

    1. He and I have actually been in correspondence about this project, and he did give me the pointers necessary to tackle this story. Thank you for reminding me that I have to give him my thanks.

      1. then a big hug ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
        really mate thanks for taking this gem out of the dirt am here to support

  4. Thanks for the chapter Schwarze_Kreuz and AmeryEdge! Was missing this project, thanks for picking it up!

  5. Starting my journey today on this novel, can’t wait to finish and get started on the sequel. I’m astounded how you’ve solo translated this and the sequel…

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