Chapter 452: Li Guang VS Heruo Bi

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Yang Guang once asked of Heruo Bi: “Yang Su, Han Qinhu, and Shi Wansui are known to be good generals. What are their merits and failings?” Heruo Bi said: “Yang Su is a fierce general, not a scheming general; Han Qinhu is a combat general, not a commanding general; Shi Wansui is a cavalry general, not a great general.” Yang Guang also asked who was a great general. Heruo Bi said that she was a person chosen by her lord.

The implication was that Heruo Bi alone could be called a great general.

Thus did she come by the nickname “Self-proclaimed Great General.”

In terms of strength, Heruo Bi was also self-confident about this. Even Golden Age Tyrant Yang Guang could hardly rein her in.

Seeing that the third person that Su Mian select was the Self-proclaimed Great General, Yang Guang was very satisfied.

“Given Heruo Zhilan’s personality, no one other than Mount Hua’s law protector should be able to win against her. Even if the law protector is selected, she would only provoke Zhilan’s pride even further.” Han Qinhu muttered her analysis.

The nearby generals nodded.

Of the Three Great Generals of the Nine Elders Of Sui, Heruo Bi was the most arrogant, but it was precisely because of this arrogance that she was able to demonstrate even more deeper potential when faced with a powerful foe. This point left even Shi Wansui feeling inferior.

“Sister Chesu is apparently not very happy?” Shi Wansui oddly said.

“If her opponent is Gao Shanxue, that naturally is the best…But what if it is not her…” Yang Su softly said.

Shi Wansui and Han Qinhu were confused.

“No matter who, she had best kill her opponent.” Yang Guang ordered.

Mount Hua’s third fighter was very quickly chosen; Earthly Lai Star “Flying Phoenix General” Li Guang.

“Milu, be careful. Don’t force yourself, leave the rest to us.” Chen Mo urged.

Li Milu switched to her murderous personality and sneered as she stepped onto the competition arena.

Seeing Mount Hua’s third fighter was another Earthly Star, everyone was silent. 

Even the self-important Heruo Bi’s expression was immediately unsightly.

Earthly Star.

Another Earthly Star.

“Does the famous Mount Hua have no one else? Go away, This Great General has no interest in killing you. Law Protector Gao, come here.” Heruo Bi pointed at the icily arrogant and silent woman.

She was a Heavenly Star and had no interest in killing Earthly Stars.

Quiet Phoenix Cry answered Heruo Bi’s disdainful attitude. The woman was taken aback and withdrew, a cut on her cheek.

Li Guang stared at Heruo Bi, her red eyes full of a frightening desire to kill. “You have no interest in killing me, or should I saw you are scared of being killed by me?” Li Guang stuck out her middle finger. She licked her lips, her expression like a serpent eyeing its prey.

Heavenly Slow Star Heruo Zhilan tasted the blood on her cheek. The flavor was a bit bitter.

“Announce your name. I will not kill a nameless person!”

“‘Flying Phoenix General’ Li Guang.” Li Milu faintly nodded.

Heruo Bi drew her Destined Star Weapon, a Four Star bronze longsword surrounded with inscriptions and featuring a heavy blade. The sword’s body was dragon-shaped, covered in scales. When the blade was flicked, the ring was like a dragon cry. With deep fishscale patterns covering it and a body like a swimming dragon, it was named the “Azure Dragon Dotted Eye.”1

When the sword was drawn, there was the shadow of a dragon.

“You can die now.” Heruo Bi raised her sword. The dragon-shadow on the blade pounced straight at Li Guang.

Li Guang was as immovable as a mountain. Her pupils contracted, and “Quiet Phoenix Cry” split the air as it flew by.

“Quiet Phoenix Cry” spiraled and unleashed a red light that broke apart the dragon-shadow sword-light.

“Hm?” Heruo Zhilan’s body shook. The Quiet Phoenix Cry had unbelievably vanished from her sight and bit into her left hand. The arrow mercilessly stabbed into her flesh. Her Heavenly Star Realm Star Energy protecting her body was unexpectedly unable to stop it.

Yellow Rank Fake Death.

“Damn you!” Heruo Bi grabbed Quiet Phoenix Cry.

Li Guang pointed her finger.

The Destined Star Weapon spun in her hand. Heruo Bi used her Star Energy to attempt to suppress this Star Weapon, but Li Guang’s Star Energy was greater than she had imagined. Heruo Bi had no choice but to let go.

Quiet Phoenix Cry fiercely stabbed Heruo Bi like a mosquito.

Rainbow light flickered transiently.

Heruo Bi brandished the Azure Dragon Dotted Eyes Sword. The four stars on the sword glimmered, and green sword-light lifted Quiet Phoenix Cry.

In a fleeting instant.

The girl already broke through Quiet Phoenix Cry’s assault and arrived in front of Li Guang, her longsword crying like a dragon.

Li Guang kicked with her feet, retreating backwards, but who could retreat from in front of Heruo Bi. The sword-shadow followed, swinging straight down.


A crisp noise broke Heruo Bi’s imagination.

Quiet Phoenix Cry had unbelievably returned to Li Guang’s front. This apparently weak arrow blocked her slash with more force than any other weapon could.


Heruo Bi exerted more strength.

The sword-force was like a tiger, shattering the ground beneath Li Guang’s legs. The powerful energy upon the sword directly shook her body. Even with Quiet Phoenix Cry defending her, Li Guang was still sent flying into the air.

Without even looking, Heruo Bi swung her sword to cleave Li Guang in half.


Quiet Phoenix Cry returned to its position in front of Li Milu and continued to block this sword.

“Hmph, boring.” Heruo Bi kicked, ruthlessly knocking Li Guang down.


The Self-proclaimed Great General was too strong. With just a stomp, she had slammed Li Guang into the ground, but Li Guang showed no pain. When she hit the ground, she instantly flipped back up.

There was another tremendous collision as Heruo Bi descended from the sky with an even fiercer stomp.

Li Guang used her arm to block while Azure Dragon Dotted Eyes swung again and again.

Star Energy sent her flying again.

“To die by my hand is your fortune.” Heruo Zhilan played with her longsword. She could not help but admit that this Earthly Star opponent’s Star Weapon was very marvelous to surprisingly be capable of warding off her Azure Dragon Dotted Eyes. Although she only used Four Star, even a Heavenly Star could not be so relaxed. Each block would have to be absolutely flawless.

If not for her overwhelmingly powerful Star Energy, she honestly would not have an easy time.

In just the first few moments after meeting, Li Guang was somewhat ragged. The Earthly Lai Star showed a bloodthirsty grin, not discouraged in the slightest. Quiet Phoenix Cry swiftly attacked Heruo Bi, the fleeting arrow-light splitting into sixty, seventy more in midair. A low-pitched hum contained alarming murderous force. Each red light was not inferior to True Phoenix Realm strength in the slightest.

That an Earthly Star was capable of fighting without losing ground to a Heavenly Star’s True Phoenix strength, it could only be said this Star Name was far more powerful than she could have imagined.

But every arrow missed.

Heruo Bi evaded, easily dodging them.

“Had enough yet!” The Self-proclaimed Great General swung her sword.

Li Guang used her upraised elbow to defend.

That hurts.

Li Guang was sent backwards many paces, blood flowing from her elbow.


Heruo Bi tensed her legs and kicked Li Guang’s stomach.

Li Milu retreated.

Heruo Bi grabbed the Azure Dragon Dotted Eyes and ran her finger along the sword’s edge. Green light rippled, and a green dragon seemed to come to life from her sword. The Azure Dragon possessed her sword, and light ferociously erupted.

Yellow Rank: Soaring Wind Sword Shadow!

Heruo Zhilan arrived in front of Li Milu with but a step. The Azure Dragon Dotted Eyes instantly became millions of sword-shadows. Countless sword-lights enveloped the Ascending Heaven’s Summit, more powerful than a sword chant by a hundredfold.

This was the Yellow Rank of the Self-proclaimed Great General. Its might was sufficient to outmatch an Earthly Star’s Earth Rank.

Li Guang scoffed. Quiet Phoenix Cry swiftly bounced around her body, clashing with Soaring Wind Sword Shadow with unbelievable speed. Heruo Bi’s hurricane-like attack was completely stopped by Quiet Phoenix Cry.

The green sword-light and Quiet Phoenix Cry intertwined. Li Guang continuously stepped back, facing Heruo Bi’s Yellow Rank with composure. Her Quiet Phoenix Cry was practically like a shield, impenetrable.

Everyone was shaken by Li Guang.

An Earthly Star was actually able to block Heavenly Star Heruo Bi’s Yellow Rank. How powerful was her Star Energy.

Star Position: Earthly Lai Star

Star Name: Li Guang

Nickname: Flying Phoenix General

Innate Skill: Immovable

Five Elements: Fire

True Name: Li Milu

Servant Star: None

Star Number: Undefined

Star Weapon: Quiet Phoenix Cry (Five Star)

Realm: Heavenly Spirit Three Calamities

Yellow Rank: Fake Death

Dark Rank: Rock Shooter Tiger Fighter, Arrival Kill (Phoenix)

Earth Rank: Ancient Songs Red Stone Array, All Birds Venerate Phoenix (Phoenix)…

Life Details: …

“This Li Guang is actually capable of matching Heruo Bi blow for blow. She is not simple.”  Su Mian eyed the information, faintly grinning. Although there was a vast difference in Realm between Earthly Star and Heavenly Star, it was not impossible for an Earthly Star to contend against a Heavenly Star. Primordial Star Name had Earthly Stars that were far stronger than Heavenly Stars. However, this required the Earthly Star to have a formidable Innate Skill.

Although Heruo Bi’s Realm was very high, Li Guang’s Star Energy was very strong, not inferior to hers in the least. Combined with the Immovable Innate Skill, Heruo Bi was without options for the time being.

“Li Guang was always being taught the Dao directly by the Ancestor. Her Daoism is already proficient, and her Star Energy perhaps will not lose to a Heavenly Star.” Zhao Yunchen beamed.

“Sister Milu is very talented.” Jiang Kui said.

Chen Mo could also see that Milu ought to be able to ascend to Heavenly Star after this Mount Hua martial arts competition.

“This Flying Phoenix General is so incredible, to actually be capable of fighting back against the Self-proclaimed Great General.”

“Oh, yes, didn’t you see, Heruo Bi’s sword is unable to cut her off.”

“Mount Hua truly is the Western Moon. I never imagined an Earthly Star to have such power.”

Seeing the Self-proclaimed Great General attack this entire time but be unable to break Li Guang’s defenses, the surrounding cultivators finally noticed that the Mount Hua they looked down upon was still a force to be reckoned with. The first round’s Tan Daoji and the second round’s Li Su made everyone’s eyes glow.

Now, Earthly Star Li Guang was also leaving people in disbelief.

Heruo Bi’s attacks were so ferocious that even Han Qinhu did not dare parry them so easily.

The Sui Ye Star Kingdom’s atmosphere was a bit quiet.

Hearing the nearby chatter, this was undoubtedly a great humiliation for the Self-proclaimed Great General. Originally, she wanted to use normal attacks to sadistically kill her foe, but she never imagined her opponent would be so resilient. Her True Phoenix Sixth Stage Yellow Rank was unable to break through.

Then taste a Dark Rank.

Dark Rank “Cloud Mist Smashed Apart.”

A gale-like sword-light rushed out of the sword and twisted around Li Guang.

“Ancient Songs Red Stone Array!”

Li Milu’s eyes narrowed. Quiet Phoenix Cry instantly returned to her side and whirled around her endlessly like a spiderweb. Red lines intertwined to form a gem-like framework that emitted red light.

The Soaring Wind Sword Shadow endlessly attacked the gems, emitting a series of bangs.

Green sword-light and red jewels endlessly collided.

Heruo Bi’s dragon-shadow continuously slashed, suppressing Li Guang, but the gemstone barrier was impervious.

The technique dispelled, revealing Li Guang as immovable as a mountain.

“Arrival Kill!!”

Milu used her Phoenix Dark Rank. The Quiet Phoenix Cry suddenly stabbed forth, like game that had been biding its time to bare its fangs. Arrow-light twisted towards Heruo Bi’s neck with lightning speed, becoming noose-like tendril that seized the woman’s neck.

The red string of blood wound tight.

Heruo Zhilan herself retreated a dozen steps, a thin wound appearing on her neck. Milu’s Star Energy was very strong, her defenses invincible, but the disparity between their Realms was too great. Using a Phoenix Dark Rank merely gave Heruo Bi wounds that she could ignore.

But this was enough to embarrass the Self-proclaimed Great General’s pride.

She had never imagined that not only would she be able to break her opponent, but she would even be injured instead.

“Li Guang, you finally made This Great General interested enough to treat you as an opponent.”

Heruo Bi raised the Azure Dragon Dotted Eyes and sneered.

Another star appeared on the Destined Star Weapon, making it Five Star.

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  1. 蒼龍點睛

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