Chapter 459: Yang Su Weaves Fate

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Yellow Robe Ascension. A unique scent wafted, and a True Dragons soared into Heaven.

Guo Yan had also apparently sensed that something was not quite right. She hurriedly swung the Reverent Spirit, its six stars shimmering. The saber-light became millions of stars interlocked with one another. She sliced her saber at the Red Fragrant Child’s head. This Earth Rank “Great Sacrifice Divine Slash” contained domineering strength that was unparalleled, as if it was a god wielding a blade sufficient to cleave a mountain.

The phantom of a saber-wielding god manifested, its divine might like a mountain, about to sacrifice the Red Fragrant Child to Heaven.

Sacrifice to Heaven?

Heaven was within the Red Fragrant Child.


Like a ten thousand zhang tsunami suddenly transforming a tranquil lake, the Red Fragrant Child had already lifted her head, her eyes glowing gold. She was draped in a True Dragon Yellow Robe, and her hair fluttered like dragons and phoenixes. A golden light surrounded her body. The Red Fragrant Child spread her palm.

The Great Sacrifice Divine Slash immediately stopped against her palm.

The Earth Rank’s divine might was surprisingly unable to advance an inch.


Guo Yan was astonished.

The Red Fragrant Child straightened her back. Wisps of purple qi emerged out of thin air behind her, surrounding her body layer by layer. Her palm’s purple qi instantly extinguished Guo Yan’s Earth Rank Great Sacrifice Divine Slash.

“Purple Rose Qi!!” Su Mian was stunned. She immediately flipped open the Birth Treasure Outline. As she expected, the Birth Treasure Outline did not display any information.

Everyone was struck dumb as a wooden chicken, incapable of believing what they saw.

Yang Guang bolted up from her throne.

Purple Rose Qi was the characteristic ability of a Purple Rose Star General. Its might was boundless, even stronger than Star Energy. Even Primeval True Qi could not compare. Purple Rose Qi was able to transcend Star Names. This was also what Star Marquis counted on most, however, each Purple Rose Star Name was very difficult to produce, for they were unlike average Star Names that could mature after a period of time.

Purple Rose Star Names required the perfect environment in order to be born.

All kinds of chances, extremely profound.

No one expected to see the birth of a Purple Rose Star Name in this Mount Hua martial arts competition.

As if Heaven’s light had gathered on the Red Fragrant Child, she glowed with all the splendor in the world.

Guo Yan withdrew in shock, once again unleashing “Great Sacrifice Divine Slash!!”

The Red Fragrant Child’s palm directly caught her blade’s edge. Powerful purple qi directly destroyed her Earth Rank. Guo Yan sensed danger, and her expression changed. She attempted to charge her Heaven Rank.

But the Red Fragrant Child made a grabbing motion. A gigantic invisible hand seized Guo Yan’s neck and lifted her into the air.

Guo Yan choked, her complexion ashen.

The Earlier Heaven Bagua Diagram once again manifested above her head. This time, however, it was created from Purple Rose Qi.

Guo Yan wielded her Star Energy to its limit, her Star Crest glowing on her forehead, but the Purple Rose Qi’s Earlier Heaven Bagua Diagram was completely impervious. Powerful divine might ruthlessly squeezed Guo Yan.


The Red Fragrant Child clenched her fist tight.

The Purple Rose Qi suddenly concentrated, and the Earlier Heaven Bagua Diagram’s purple light pounded countless times against Guo Yan’s body.

Guo Yan vomited blood, herself becoming the prey of lingchi.

No one dared to breathe.

Only when the Purple Rose Qi receded did Heaven and Earth finally become quiet. Mount Hua was filled with fragrance.

The Red Fragrant Child relaxed her hand. Guo Yan collapsed on the ground, Starfalling after a brief struggle.

The Red Fragrant Child turned her head to look at Su Mian. Only then did Dream In A Millennium come to her senses. She raised her brow: “Mount Hua wins.”

“Chen Mo, go bring her back.” Chen Tuan said.

The Red Fragrant Child’s golden light dispersed. The radiance of her eyes vanished, and the girl weakly collapsed against Chen Mo’s chest.

Everyone’s gazes were focused on the Red Fragrant Child.

Fu Jian and Yang Guang’s expressions both had become especially serious. “Purple Rose Qi, a Purple Rose Star Name. Her Purple Rose Star Name is very powerful, and I fear this Purple Rose Star Name is not simple.”

The two Star Marquis glanced at each other then simultaneously to Su Mian.

Dream In A Millennium very quickly become composed. Sima Qian slightly shifted out of the corner of her eye. “Your Majesty, this Red Fragrant Child’s Star Name…”

“En.” Su Mian interrupted what Sima Qian wanted to say. “Fortune and misfortune are difficult to predict.” Dream In A Millennium muttered.

“Your Majesty Mian!”

Yang Su stepped forward at this point. The woman spoke courteously.

“Purple Rose Star Names should not be allowed to fight in the Mount Hua martial arts competition, this round was not very fair.”

The Cold Blooded Beauty was indeed cold-blooded. Her compatriot Nine Elder Of Sui Guo Yan had Starfallen, yet she lacked any grief. On the contrary, her first thought was that the match was unfair. Su Mian pondered, then said with a warm expression: “Hers was a Gestational Star Name and was at risk of being killed. Furthermore, if she was not a Purple Rose Star Name, is it not true then that any Star Name awakening would prove advantageous for the Sui Ye Star Kingdom?”

“Then Yang Su would like to know just what this girl’s Purple Rose Star Name is.” This was Yang Chesu’s true aim.

Not only her, everyone present wanted to know.

A Purple Rose Star Name had been born. Star World would inevitably descend into chaos.

“Why do you insist on inquiring about matters of Star Names.” Su Mian smiled.

“Is the Central Star Field prepared? What if her Star Name is Song Zhao.”1 Yang Su also grinned.

“An already bygone Star Era, no harm in that.”

Yang Su said nothing more.

Chen Mo only felt countless hot gazes on him. Millions of eyes were concentrated on him, and countless among them were filled with killing intent. Everyone wanted to kill the Purple Star Name. Not only could they obtain vast Star Energy, they may even be able to inherit the Purple Rose Qi.

Chen Mo lowered his head to look at the Red Fragrant Child. The girl had sunk into a deep slumber. Her yellow robe was like gold, glittering, a True Dragon faintly visible. Even if he was gently holding her, Chen Mo could sense and unprecedented force enter his heart.

He handed the Red Fragrant Child over to Chen Xian’er. The other Mount Hua disciples were also vigilant of their surroundings.

After hearing Su Mian’s words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, no one expected the Mount Hua competition to have been evenly matched. The Sui Ye Star Kingdom had lost two of their Nine Elders Of Sui, a catastrophic loss. Their face was gone, and the only way they could redeem this lost dignity was to win the final round.

All these losses were acceptable if they could obtain Mount Hua. 

If they lost, whether it be Yang Guang or the Sui Ye Star Kingdom, they would become the most unsightly note in the Spring And Autumn Annals.

The same could be said for Mount Hua.

They could not lose the last round.

“Yang Su, if you lose, you can slash your own throat in apology.” Yang Guang’s tone was dark.

Yang Chesu calmly nodded. She did not feel that she would lose, especially when her opponent was a Star Warrior.

“Junior Brother Chen Mo, it seems that Mount Hua must rely on you.” Tan Daoji patted Chen Mo on the shoulder.

Warmth flowed into his heart. Chen Mo was taken aback and blinked. “I’ll definitely win this round.”

“Very good.” Tan Daoji faintly grinned.

Jiang Kui and Mi Fu cheered him on.

Chen Mo bounded up to the arena.

“The last round really is a man.”

“Is that the current Mount Hua’s only male disciple?”

“Magnificent in appearance, extraordinary in bearing.”

“Ha, ha, his opponent is but Cold Blooded Beauty Yang Su. He’s dead for sure.”

“This is difficult to say. Mount Hua’s previous disciples showed they were all unfathomable. Did you think that the Gestational Realm Star General just now could kill Guo Yan?”

“…Hmph, a Star Warrior is not a Star General, how can he produce a miracle!”

“Yang Su is an exceptional character. If this man wins, I’ll go kill myself!”

Noisy discussions rose one after another, filled with every kind of conversation cramming the ear. Even if the Mount Hua displayed unprecedented performance in the last few rounds, this one was very clearly an uphill battle. The majority of cultivators did not dare clamor further.

Although many people helped speak up for Mount Hua, their eyes clearly showed amused expressions.

Several peaks away.

Xiao Mohe, Yu Juluo, Liu Houxiu and the others were also holding their breath with rapt attention, unable to turn their gaze.

Heavenly Silk Star “Cold Blooded Beauty” Yang Su’s white clothes fluttered. She wore a twisting belt and purple gold, maintaining a scholarly and refined appearance, remarkably like a scholarly university student. In the Buddhist Sui Ye Star Kingdom, her personality was considered remarkable.

“I never imagined my opponent would be you.” Regardless of the time, Yang Su always had a calm attitude. Her composure appeared very refined, as if everything was under her control.

“I really hoped it would be you.” Chen Mo was straightforward. Among the Nine Elders Of Sui, only Yang Su had an air of mystery. Her Star Name in history had a very high evaluation. And in each era, assessments of famous generals always included Yang Su.

“En.” Yang Su leisurely nodded. She appeared heedless, but in her mind, she was already prepared.

She knew that Chen Mo had learned the Five Emperors Seal at the Connecting Valley. Originally, she had dispatched Shen Guang to kill Chen Mo, even leaving her White Silk to help her. Pity that this Corporeal Flying Immortal was too disappointing. In the end, she surprisingly relied on the White Silk to flee. Afterwards, Yang Su came to know of the Connecting Valley incident.

As she had expected, the Five Emperors Seal ought to have been seized by this man, so he currently had the arrogance to believe himself able to face and speak to her directly.

Chen Mo was not sure what she was thinking about, but from Yu Juluo, he knew a few things about Yang Su. Heavenly Silk Star Cold Blooded Beauty Yang Su was a high figure in the SUi Ye Star Kingdom. Even Yang Guang respected her while the other Great Generals were very afraid of her. Chen Mo took out Northern Dipper, and without another word, he first smashed the stick into the ring.

Yang Su’s finger tat was as white as snow suddenly pointed at Chen Mo.

Countless white silk strings suddenly appeared like a net and wrapped around Northern Dipper.

These silk lines glowed with white light, seven radiant stars. Each string was fine as hair, yet they could cut steel like mud, sharper than a weapon.

This was her Destined Star Weapon, “Great Void Weaving Fate,”2 one of Star World’s strange weapons.

Yang Chesu pointed. The strings wrapped around the staff, covering the Wind Divine Barrier. She gently snapped her fingers.


Yang Chesu was a bit surprised. Her Destined Star Weapon could easily split vajra steel. Any weapon that was not a Destined Star Weapon was fundamentally unable to withstand her, but surprisingly, she could not slice apart Chen Mo’s weapon.

It appeared that this weapon’s background was out of the ordinary, as Shen Guang had said. It could even be an Immemorial Divine Weapon.

The girl thought clearly, her expression unperturbed.

Chen Guang activated the Star Manual Of Masters Gan And Shi. His Star Energy surged, yet it was unable to shake the Great Void Weaving Fate. He was inwardly aware of this weapon’s might. Chen Mo was expressionless. He suddenly turned the staff into the Alpha Ursae Majoris Saber, unleashing Ice Breaker Snow Slicer.

At the same time, the Four Symbols White Tiger’s might shone on the blade’s edge.


Countless white strings were turned to snowflakes by this slash.

“What?” Yang Su’s expression changed, slightly incredulous her Destined Star Weapon was actually unable to block.

“Saber Draw Water Cutter!!”

Chen Mo drew his saber.

A slash of the highest quality, splitting waterfalls and seas, was executed. Its speed was swift beyond the woman’s imagination. Saber-light sliced into Yang Su’s body, pushing her back.

After Chen Mo assimilated the White Tiger’s soul, his attacks were frighteningly fierce. This Dark Rank was comparable to a True Phoenix Fourth or Fifth Stage’s divine might. Yang Su was completely caught off guard that a Star Warrior’s attack could match a top-notch Heavenly Star’s power.

But Chen Mo’s attack was not so simple.

His third attack, Earth Rank No Snow Under Heaven, was already following close behind.

Deadly saber-light descended towards Yang Su, covering all of her senses, leaving her with only one thought.

This man wanted to kill her in an instant!!

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  1. 宋趙 Presumably the empress that Su Xing deposed.
  2. 太虛織命

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