Chapter 463: Leave Your Love, Be Free Of Worry And Anxiety

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The Sui Ye Star Kingdom was defeated. “Golden Age Tyrant” Yang Guang was in no mood to linger, “Bring Yang Su back!” Everyone could discern the displeasure and murderous aura in the girl’s mood. Many believed that Yang Su was finished.

Her dragon carriage left the Star Field in the blink of an eye.

“Yang Su is seriously wounded. It will be difficult for her to recover without a few years. How unfortunate she is, this Cold Blooded Beauty.” Fu Jian clicked her tongue. She could practically imagine what would happen next. Given Yang Guang’s irascible temperament, to have been defeated and even lose two great generals, she would definitely have someone pay the price. Very clearly, the Silk Star who fought in the final round was the most suitable candidate.

“However, just what is the background of this Chen Mo man. That weapon is apparently more formidable than a Destined Star Weapon.” Fu Jiang was pensive.

“Imperial Empress, This General knows his identity.” Behind her, Wang Meng spoke.

“Rou’er, you know?” Fu Jian was perplexed.

“This Chen Mo is the man that escaped from This General’s grasp back then.” Wang Meng was already very certain. She would never forget that face for as long as she lived.

Fu Jian was taken aback. Her cheerful mood suddenly became as sour as Yang Guang’s.

“Rou’er, are you certain?”

“There should be no mistake.” Wang Meng hesitated. Their appearances were identical, but in just a few short years, could he have grown to a level capable of defeating a Heavenly Star? Even the Kingdom Destroyer Great General doubted herself.

The Imperial Empress Of Bedfellows cruelly grinned.

After Chen Mo descended the arena, all of his bones were on the verge of breaking. He had used up every trick he had. In the end, he gambled on using a Heaven Rank to comprehend Heaven Rank, to increase his experience. At last, he comprehended it and did not tarnish Yanran’s teachings.

“Momo, you truly are too amazing.” Sun Yingmeng hugged him in excitement.

“Junior Brother, I never imagined you would actually comprehend Heaven Rank…Can it be you’ve received the teachings of a Primordial True Spirit in the past?” Tan Daoji asked. The Primordial True Spirits of the Heavenly Spirits and Earthly Fiends were said to have been left behind after the Purple Rose Star Emperor climbed Maiden Mountain. It was said these True Spirits were able to impart Heaven, Earth, Dark, and Yellow Techniques. Whether they be Star Generals or warriors, anyone who encountered them would have a once in a lifetime opportunity.


The Senior Sisters gasped.

“No wonder. But to be able to comprehend Heaven Rank…I truly do not dare to imagine.” Tan Daoji shook her head. Even for a Heavenly Star, this was difficult, let alone that Chen Mo was merely Earthly Immortal cultivation.

“Sleeping Immortal” Chen Xian’er pointed a finger, imbuing Chen Mo with Star Energy. Sun Yingmeng also stuck the Spirit Hinge Ice Heart into Chen Mo’s acupuncture points. “This Lady recently researched an acupuncture that can rapidly restore Star Energy, don’t struggle.”

The Spirit Hinge Ice Heart entered his body, and it seemed like warmth was coursing throughout his entire body.

“Congratulations, Ancestor. Now, the Star Field and Yu Juluo belong to Mount Hua. Should the Sui Ye Star Kingdom dare to invade again, This Palace definitely will not sit idly by.” At this time, Su Mian, Li, and Sima Qian walked over to offer their congratulations.

Dream In A Millennium showed an expression of amazement at Chen Mo’s performance, but she was not too awestruck, as if all of this was only natural. The female general Li behind her was stone-faced, unmoved.

Sima Qian stared at Chen Mo. The woman’s eyes seemed to be the concretion of time and space. Chen Mo felt his soul was about to be sucked away by that woman’s ancient eyes, and he felt a bit uncomfortable.

“What is she doing?” Jiang Kui asked.

Su Mian smiled: “No need to worry, the Grand Scribe is recording your name in the annals of history. Although you lack a Star Name and, as a result, a biography, this is not disadvantageous at all. Perhaps someone can receive your benefits.” The girl said meaningfully. Chen Mo understood that she was referring to the Star General he was bound to as a Servant Star. Presumably, his Servant Star status had not escaped her gaze.

Sima Qian’s Star Era Historical Biography was an enormous feat. Any name recorded into it was able to receive immense tremendous benefits. The average Star Name could stand out in first-rate rankings.

“Remarkably, in the end, you did not kill Yang Su and instead showed some compassion.” Su Mian grunted.

“Your Majesty, did you wish to see me kill her?” Chen Mo returned the question.

“Killing her would pose no harm to Mount Hua, is that not true?” Su Mian smiled. Because of Dong Zhongshu, Su Mian actually quite detested Confucianism. For first-rate characters like Yang Su who cultivated Confucianism’s Noble True Spirit, such a threat would need to be eradicated when the time came, let alone that she could gain Yang Su’s Star Energy by killing her. This absolutely was a good thing.

For Chen Mo to let go of this chance, he had undoubtedly released the tiger back to the mountain.

“The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Chen Mo replied.


Su Mian slightly raised her eyebrows, appearing like the portrait of a lady as drawn by the Portrait Sage. Her cocked brow was like a verdant hill.

As the two spoke, at this time, “Imperial Empress Of Bedfellows” Fu Jian and her beloved general, Wang Meng, walked over. 

The Imperial Empress Of Bedfellows’ reputation was not good in Star World. The others all wrinkled their brows.

Chen Mo took a deep breath as he looked at Wang Meng.

When he saw her back then, the Kingdom Destroyer Great General’s might was loftier than Mount Tai, her every word and action sufficient to leave him unable to draw breath, but now, Chen Mo found himself exceptionally relaxed.

He dared to face the Qilin Martial Emperor, and he also defeated Yang Su in front of the world. Now that he comprehended Heaven Rank, he would dare challenge even Wang Meng.

Wang Meng stared at her. The woman’s eyes were unfathomable.

“Congratulations to Mount Hua for having such a Star Warrior. This Palace has truly expanded her horizons today, a trip not in vain.” Fu Jian smiled. She wore revealing clothing, and her smile was filled allure. “Do you have any interest in accompanying This Palace to the Purple Palace, This Palace can definitely make your Realm reach even greater heights.” 

Chen Mo remained unmoved. “Many thanks for the kindness, Imperial Empress. This Chen will visit in the future.”

“You refuse?” Fu Jian licked her lips.

Su Mian felt this conversation was a bit familiar. Oh, right, the Qilin Martial Emperor seemed to have said much the same not too long ago. “Fu Jian, do not cause him trouble. Everyone knows what it means for both of you to fly into the Purple Palace. If he goes, perhaps not even his bones will remain.” 

“Your Majesty Mian has certainly misunderstood This Palace. This Palace merely wants to give him a good time, I will not eat him.” Fu Jian’s words were very frank. Sun Yingmeng and Jiang Kui were innocent and not versed in these interpersonal affairs. Their cheeks could not help but flush red. NEvertheless, they did not dare interject.

“En, This Palace will allow Rou’er to accompany you together for some cheer, for you both to fly into the Purple Palace. In a thousand years, you are the first.” Fu Jian raised an enticing condition. Behind her, Wang Meng was aloof.

“You may keep your kindness, Imperial Empress, Your Servant does not dare accept.”

Seeing him refuse, Fu Jian eeriely smiled. She did not utter a word, but neither was she irascible as Yang Guan, who showed everything very clearly. She glanced at the unconscious Red Fragrant Child resting against Gao Shanxue’s chest. “I wonder what Purple Rose Star Name this girl is. This Palace saw her use Purple Rose Qi to kill a Heavenly Star just after awakening her Star Name. This Star Name is practically Song Zhao1 from a thousand years ago.”

The moment she uttered this, Su Mian’s expression slightly changed.

“No need to trouble yourself with this, Fu Jian.”

“Heh, heh.” Fu Jian licked her lips. Her gaze did not conceal in the slightest the lust she had for Su Mian’s delicate body.

“Among the Five Moons, the other Four Moons have already collapsed. Now that Western Moon Mount Hua can rise again and move Star World, even moreso with a Purple Rose Star Name in its ranks, your future will be very interesting. What are your thoughts, Your Majesty Mian.”

“Fu Jian, do you mean to go after Mount Hua as well?” Su Mian faintly grinned.

“All Purple ROse Star Generals want Mount Hua’s Purple Cypress Divine Fruit, so of course This Palace does, too. However, as for attaining the Dao, This Palace knows of it. But as a kind reminder, should Your Majesty find these words unpleasant to hear, treat them as a gust of wind.” Fu Jian turned: “Rou’er, we are leaving.”

Seeing them leave, this still confused Sun Yingmeng wrinkled her brow. ‘What was this Imperial Empress Of Bedfellows saying, sounds ominous.”

Chen Mo was silent.

“You must be careful. This Highness has never seen a man able to receive the greed of two Star Marquis.” Su Mian urged.

“With your words, Su Mian, what do they have to worry about.” Chen Mo smiled.

Su Mian gracefully beamed.

“This Highness will need to return to the Central Star Field to take care of this Mount Hua affair. Someday, This Highness will come find you again. Right, Li, for the time being, stay here and guard Mount Hua, help Chen Tuan, so as to avoid errant conspiracies.”

“But what about you, Your Majesty?” Li asked.

“This Highness is going to the Central Star Field. What danger could there be?” Su Mian winked.

Su Mian then used Purple Rose True Qi and left the Western Lin Star Field with Sima Qian. Lastly, she glanced at the Red Fragrant Child.

“Who can say if you will be a disaster or a blessing…”

The Sui Ye Star Kingdom suffered miserably in this competition. Not only did two of their Great Heavenly Stars Starfall, they even lost their authority over countless Star Fields, a once in a thousand year sight. These were all bound to become the topic of conversation among cultivators.

“What Her Majesty Mian said before was true. Why didn’t you kill Yang Su?” Tan Daoji softly asked. From her perspective, that was a golden opportunity. That he inexplicably let her go was honestly regrettable.

Just as Chen Mo was about to speak.

At the same time, a shadow swiftly moved in front of him, letting out a deep voice. “Correct, Bore does not wish to follow a lord who is softhearted either.”

Heaven Devouring Demon King issued a displeased question.

Chen Mo smiled: “Bore, you came at the perfect time. You are now willing to fulfill your promise from before.”

“You were able to defeat Yang Su and stand out in front of millions. Bore can follow you, but why did you let the Cold Blooded Beauty go. If you wait for her to recover, she will be a scourge. Bore requires you to uunderstand this.” Bore expressionlessly asked.

“Of course.” Chen Mo nodded. More than anyone else, he had considered the relationship between fortune and misfortune.

“The Sui Ye Star Kingdom’s Yang Guang was able to invite Fu Jian. Presumably, she has a network among them. To destroy her won’t be simple at all.” Chen Mo said.

Xiao Mohe nodded.

Only naturally.

Yang Guang’s personality was vicious, one that rejoiced in grandiose deeds, but this did not mean she was not close with other Star Marquis. In particular, the Golden Age Tyrant reached a stage of extreme reverence for Buddhism, making other Buddhist Star Marquis very willing to correspond with her.

“So we need even more power.”

“Your meaning is…”

Xiao Mohe was taken aback. Sparks flew out of her pupils that were as black as the abyss.

“I had extended an invitation to the National Scholar, yet I have allowed the National Scholar to see something ridiculous.” Aboard the imperial carriage, the girl spoke to All Encompassing National Scholar Shi Dao’an. The girl’s mood was poor, but she still showed great respect to the founder of the Shi School.

“Planting is the cause, reaping is the effect. Everything is a creation of the heart. For my lord to leave behind a feat for the ages, your karma cannot be too deep.” The woman who was as zen as a dead tree said.

“National Scholar, are you afraid that I will attack Mount Hua?” Yang Guang faintly smirked.

“This beautiful defeat was Heaven’s will.”

“Be at ease, National Scholar, I will not do anything those people gossip about.” Pausing, Yang Guang said: “All rivers lead to the great ocean, leaving no rivers; no matter who they are, once they join Buddhism, they are all Buddhists. This is the National Scholar’s goal, but never in the world do those under Heaven yield willingly in such a way. When the time comes, Dao’an, your Shi School even wishes to surpass Star World’s Hundred Schools. This Mount Hua is absolutely necessary. I wonder if you are willing to pitch in a bit of effort for your Shi School.”

Shi Dao’an was silent.

“Buddhism will not say anything, I will take this as Great Master Dao’an’s response.” Yang Guang smiled.

“This loss was because Su was incompetent. Wait until my injuries are healed. For certain, I will personally attack Mount Hua and redeem our face.” Yang Su weakly said.

Yang Guang did not even look at her. She merely chanted slowly: “From love, worry is born. From love, anxiety is born; should you leave your love, you will be free of worry and anxiety.”

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  1. Likely the original empress from 108MOD that Su Xing supposedly deposed.

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