Chapter 449: The Cruel Victor

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The School Of The Military was one of the “Ten Schools” among the Hundred Schools Of Thought, but compared to Confucianism, Legalism, Daoism, or Buddhism, the School Of The Military’s entry requirements were extremely high. Only those lucky Star Names who passed the “Six Secret Strategic Teachings” and the “Three Strategies of Huang Shigong” could join. Afterwards, their cultivation would still depend on their own individual capabilities; but the martial force of those Star Generals who entered the School Of The Military would stand out from the rest.

The School Of The Military could magnify a Star General’s martial force by several times. The best Star Names had experience with the School Of The Military. Thus, in Star World, those able to cultivate the School Of The Military were uniquely brilliant.

The Star Generals who currently cultivated the School Of The Military each were talented, whether they were the Four Lords Of the Warring States, Huo Qubing, or Li Bing, they all were flowers in bloom, but there was still a Star Name who intended to stand out in the current School Of The Military.

Tan Daoji, original composer of the “Thirty-six Stratagems” and the one with the major feat of compiling ancient military tactics. 

The phrase, “Of the Thirty-six Stratagems, fleeing is best,” was passed down throughout eternity.

In the Book Of Casting’s chapter on Destined Star Weapons, Tan Daoji’s “Dark Cloud Shears” was one of the strange weapons it mentioned. Chen Mo did not expect that Lu Xiujing actually had Tan Daoji’s Star Weapon, or perhaps he should say that Lu Xiujing’s true Star Name was “Soldier Of Crafty Ways” Tan Daoji. In her hands, the Dark Cloud Shears seemed to come alive. This honestly was power attainable only if she was one with destiny.

Tan Daoji’s compilation of the Thirty-six Stratagems was a significant achievement in military strategy, but it was very evident that her Star Name was not considered well known in Star World. At the very least, “Minor War Department Senior Official” Tuwan Xu of the Nine Elders Of Sui did not show much of a reaction.

The woman was already dumbstruck to see that her Earth Rank had failed to kill an Earthly Star. She did not dare believe this.

Now, seeing Tan Daoji suddenly change and explosively display aggression that was stronger than any Earthly Star’s, Tuan Xu finally realized her opponent had been hiding all this time.

“Little Sister, please teach me.” Tan Daoiji’s Star Name was revealed, and she no longer held back.

The Dark Cloud Shears drew an arc of black light, and its barbs stabbed into the air. These thorns were as thick as buckets, their light omnipresent, and they lashed towards Tuwan Xu like tendrils.

Each barb emitted a crashing noise, as if to tear space apart.

Tuwan Xu used her hand to grab. The “Green Mist Fangs” bit the incoming thorns, “Courting death.” The woman sneered, then she snapped the thorns.

But this was merely one of Tan Daoji’s feints.

Just when Tuwan Xu grabbed the thorn, the girl soared over, unleashing “Blindside Feint.” Blindside Feint distracted the enemy from the front while sneak attacking from the flank. 

The Dark Cloud Shears stabbed at Tuwan Xu, killing intent contorting as it covered Tuwan Xu.

“Bone Crusher!!”

Tuwan Xu was left without a choice and activated her Dark Rank.

Her hands’ “Green Mist Fangs” spread like a wild animal. Fang-like, intersecting killing intent formed a vortex, strong in pull, able to grind vajra divine stone to dust.

Under her “Bone Crusher,” a martial general facing it head on could only rely on their own strength to resist. There was basically no way to break free.

But was that really the case?


Tuwan Xu was shocked. Her Dark Drank Bone Crusher surprisingly twisted nothing but air apart. Tan Daoji had vanished once again, attacking from her other flank.

Her speed clearly was not fast, but each of her movements and breaths were like antelope antlers, untraceable. But Tuwan Xu’s “Bone Crusher” was persistent. The Green Mist Fang’s “Bone Crusher” killing intent continued to fiercely grab at Tan Daoji. So long as her Dark Rank lasted, any technique would be ground to pieces.

Tuwan Xu continued to grab.

Tan Daoji disappeared step after step. Not even the hem of her clothes could be seized by Tuwan Xu.

“Huh?” “Minor War Department Senior Official” Tuwan Jian suddenly felt chills on her back.

Tan Daoji appeared. The Dark Cloud Shears were like a twisting vine, beginning to constrict into a deadly blossom. A black rose instantly fell on Tuwan Xu’s back, clinging stubbornly to her like maggots on a corpse. The pain spread to each of her nerves.

Dark Rank: Dark Thrust!

Tan Daoji’s unbelievable and irregular attacks left everyone present astonished.

“The golden cicada sheds its carapace, returning in another guise. Feign one thing for another, achieve your goal through underhanded means.” Su Mian said: “The quintessence of the School Of The Military is actually displayed so perfectly. I never imagined that Mount Hua would still have such a Star Name.”

The girl slightly pursed her lips. Her hand flipped over to reveal a book. This book opened, and rows of information appeared on its page.

Star Position: Heavenly Military Stratagem Star1

Star Name: Tan Daoji

Nickname: Soldier Of Crafty Ways

Innate Skill: Thirty-six Stratagems

Five Elements: Earth

True Name: ???

Servant Star: None

Star Number: Undefined

Star Weapon: Dark Cloud Shears (Four Star)

Realm: True Phoenix Third Stage

Yellow Rank: …

“Li, who do you feel will win?” Su Mian asked.

The female general named Li answered: “Regarding Realm, Tuwan Xu is the clear winner. But her School Of The Military is apaprently quite accomplished. Your Servant fears that Tuwan Xu is no match for her Innate Skill and will lose.”

Su Mian nodded. She felt the same.

She governed Star World and had understanding of Star Names. Tan Daoji’s “Thirty-six Strategms” Innate Skill was extremely formidable. If unable to crush her with strength, the vast majority of Star Generals would find their hands tied. However, back on topic, Tan Daoji’s Innate Skill required the combination of the “School Of The Military” and “Daoism” to be exhibited. To be able to put it into practice would be very formidable.

This likely was the reason she was a disciple of Mount Hua.

“Sun Tzu said that all warfare is based on deception.”

“I said that Lu Xiujing normally seems to cultivate the School Of The Military. Just as I expected, this really was the case.” Li Su was tongue-tied. On Mount Hua’s side, Jiang Kui, Sun Yingmeng, and the others were dumbstruck by Lu Xiujing’s sudden change.

“We can win this round.” Chen Mo faintly smiled. With such success in the first move, this proved a boon for Mount Hua’s chances at victory.

Yang Guang’s side was currently displeased.

Weep Of Bloody Grief!

Tuwan Xu bellowed, using her Earth Rank again.

The Green Mist Fangs grabbed at Tan Daoji.

The Dark Cloud Shears blocked the Green Mist Fangs. The Minor War Department Senior Official sneered, which bloomed into a bloody grin. A blood-colored hurricane suddenly rose, twisting straight towards the sky.

Tan Daoji used “disturb the water and catch a fish,” “self harm to win the enemy’s trust,” and “remove firewood from under the pot” in succession. All the wounds on her body from Weep Of BLoody Grief left her body. She thrust the Dark Cloud Shears towards the ground. All of a sudden, black light like thorns appeared and rolled up Tuwan Xu. This was her Earth Rank, “Control Complexity Through Simplicity.”

Leaping forth, Tan Daoji raised her Dark Cloud Shears to slash again.

Tuwan Xu was struck by the spear and cut down to the ground.

“Little Sister, you lost.” Tan Daoji faintly smiled, the Dark Cloud Shears pointed at Tuwan Xu’s throat.

Tuwan Xu’s expression contorted, “I’ll rip you apart!!!” Suddenly, Tuwan Xu lunged forth, the Dark Cloud SHears cutting her throat, but the woman’s fury had already replaced pain. She spread her claws, her Star Crest glowed, and a frightening Star ENergy gathered on her body. In this instant, her body seemed to enlarge several times. She was like a ferocious, primeval bear.

The Ascending Heaven’s Summit quaked.

Heaven Rank?

Tan Daoji was taken aback. She hesitated, then soared into the nine firmaments.

Heaven Ranks were not prohibited in the Mount Hua martial arts competition, but the might of a Heaven Rank was too powerful. If used, life and death were separated naught by a thought. No accidents could be allowed.

Tuwan Xu’s Heaven Rank also signified she was putting everything on the line.

Boundless Star ENergy gathered on the body of the “Minor War Department Senior Official.” Her bear-like stature grew larger and larger, surprisingly reaching more than a hundred zhang in size. Her terrible aura suppressed the entire area.

THe Ascending Heaven’s Summit Star Array was already unable to hold.



The array finally broke, the mountain crumbled, and countless enormous pieces of debris appeared weightless under Tuwan Xu’s power. Many cultivators were even unable to help but be shaken to the point that her calamitous aura had forced out their Primordial Spirits.

Su Mian’s brow slightly wrinkled, but she could not easily interfere in this contest. She saw that Yang Guang was also unmoved.

The area they sat in also very quickly disintegrated. They took to hovering in midair. To them, Tuwan Xu’s power could only be considered a gentle breeze upon their faces.

No wonder Deng Yu discouraged him back at the Star Mansion Palace from watching the Mount Hua martial arts competition. He never imagined it would be so fierce as he used magic energy to protect himself. Ancestor Chen Tuan pointed a finger. An Immortal-light surrounded them and warded off Tuwan Xu’s power.

“What do we do, won’t Senior Sister Lu Xiujing die.” Li Xiao was a bit worried. Normally, she and Lu XIujing appeared to be at odds, but on the inside, she still very much admired this Senior SIster.

“We can only watch.” Chen Mo murmured.

On Yang Guang’s side, the dragon carriage flew over to brace the girl. The Golden Age Tyrant was expressionless, her eyes dark. “If she is unable to kill her, then Tuwan Xian need not show herself before My eyes.”

The Nine Elders Of Sui lifted their gazes to the sky.

Minor War Department Senior Official Tuwan Qian’s Heaven Rank finished charging. She charged into the nine firmaments like an enormous bear attempting to swallow the heavnes. The Ascending Heaven’s Summit was completely splintered, and the outermost Earthly Immortals were surprisingly blown apart by her power with not even their Primordial Spirits able to escape disaster.

“Die, die, I’ll rip you apart!!”

Tuwan Qian cackled. The Green Mist Fangs opened and closed. The blue sky seemed to be devoured by a giant maw and vanish from existence.

Heaven Rank.

Antiquity No Longer Exists!!

Tan Daoji hovered in the sky, her expression grave. The Dark Cloud SHears’ thorns surrounded her, and her Star Crest activated. She used her Innate Skill’s “wait at leisure while the enemy labors,” “sacrifice the plum tree to preserve the peach tree,” “decorate the tree with false blossoms,” “make the host and guest exchange roles,” and finally, “kill with a borrowed knife.”

Using five of the Thirty-six Stratagems in succession, Tan Daoji had no choice but to use her own Heaven Rank to counter. 

“Destroy Own City Walls!!”

The black light scattered, and like heavenly maidens scattering flowers, they wrapped around and collided with Tuwan Xu and the Green Mist Fangs’ Antiquity No Longer Exists.

The sky sank into darkness. Two forces gave rose to an ear-splitting crack, as if Heaven itself was wailing. A few Earthly Immortal immediately lost their hearing while other cultivators were knocked unconscious.

Everyone looked up, their eyes fixed on the sky.

Sun Yingmeng tightly grasped Chen Mo’s hand, her nails drawing blood. In the King Of Medicine’s mind, she was already devising all kinds of medical techniques to resuscitate Lu Xiujing.

A while later, the dark clouds scattered, and the sky cleared up.

A figure plunged down like a boulder, smashing heavily into the cliff. All of her armor was already dust, and wounds covered her body. Her life force was extremely feeble, like a candle in the wind, about to be snuffed out.

Surprisingly, she was Minor War Department Senior Official Tuwan Xu.

Tan Daoji slowly floated down, the girl’s expression the same as ever, but her eyes contained both sympathy and cruelty.

Everyone was astounded.

Tuwan Xu opened her eyes with difficulty, and her lips twitched. Her gaze turned towards the Tyrant. Yang Guang was apathetic, her expression dark. The other Nine Elders Of Sui did not utter a word either.

The girl shut her eyes in despair. Her forehead Star Crest very quickly shattered, and her body turned into bubbles.

A brilliant Crimson Star fell from the heavens into Tan Daoji’s body. As for that Star Weapon Green Mist Fangs, Tan Daoji did not care for it. If no one took the Destined Star Weapon of a Starfallen Star General, then it would follow that life and silently merge with the flow of time.

Seeing such a formidable Destined Star Weapon vanish, the spectating cultivators were inwardly regretful, but no one sympathized with a loser.

“State your Star Name!!” Yang Guang darkly said.

Tan Daoji cupped her fist and calmly said.

Tan Daoji!

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  1. 天·計策星

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