Chapter 450: Li Xiao’s Two Earth Ranks

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This first match caused Tuwan Xu of the Nine Elders Of Sui to Starfall, making everyone take a deep breath.

In the end, many Earthly Immortal cultivators had been completely annihilated by the Heaven Rank.

Compared to Tuwan Xu’s Starfall, her defeat made Golden Age Tyrant Yang Guan’s expression become very unsightly. The girl’s face was dark, and one could practically sense a powerful pressure from her. If not for Su Mian’s presence, she apparently could fly into a rage at any moment.

“First round, Mount Hua wins.”

Su Mian very flatly declared the result of this round.

Tan Daoji bowed and returned to Mount Hua’s side.

“Sister Xiujing, you’re so amazing!!” Sun Yingmeng hugged her in excitement.

Chen Mo also nodded at her: “Nicely done.”

Tan Daoji breathed a sigh of relief, a very exhausted expression on her face.

“We shouldn’t call you Lu Xiujing. Tan Daoji. Hmph, why are you hiding at Mount Hua, just what are your intentions.” Li Xiao hid her elation and sternly asked.

Sun Yingmeng teased: “Xiaoxiao, don’t be so inflexible. You were clearly very worried about her just now.”

“I will tell you all after the martial arts competition…” Pausing, Tan Daoji said: “Your Servant’s True Name is a single character, Ling. You may also call me Tan Daoling.”1

“Senior Sister Ling’er won the first round, this is a great start for us. Next, we need only to take three more rounds to win.” Jiang Kui softly exhaled.

“Yes, those Nine Elders Of Sui are nothing special, they were suppressed by Sister Daoling.” Sun Yingmeng giggled.

Chen Mo did not feel relaxed at all.

“What, Chen Mo? Aren’t you happy your Senior Sister won?” The King Of Medicine asked.

“I just didn’t think there would be a Starfall in the first match…” The Nine Elders Of Sui’s Tuwan Xu Starfell in the very first battle. This was a bit surprising to Chen Mo: “The Sui Ye Star Kingdom will fight even harder in the upcoming rounds. Li Xiao, Milu, if you are selected, you must forfeit when the time comes. You absolutely mustn’t underestimate the value of your lives.”

Chen Mo seriously looked at the girls. They were the ones he was most worried about.

“I’m your Senior Sister, I don’t need you to lecture me.” Li Xiao snorted.

“What Chen Mo says is logical. Xiaoxiao, don’t blow him off.” Sun Yingmeng nervously warned.

“I know.” Li Xiao grunted.

Su Mian looked at the already disintegrated Ascending Heaven’s Summit. The gravel was pulverized, completely crushed.

“Qian, This Palace will have to trouble you for repairs.”

“One Brush Spring And Autumn” Sima Qian adopted a respectful posture. She extended a finger from her wide sleeves. Chen Mo took note that her finger was very thin and slender, crystalline like a beautiful jade sculpture. On her fingernail, there was a substance like the ink used for portraits. A series of dark green characters wound around her finger.

Beautiful as porcelain.

Sima Qian tapped her finger.

A river of light engulfed this devastated landscape. The countless fragments of Ascending Heaven’s Summit seemed to come to life and dance under her finger. In mere moments, the Ascending Heaven’s Summit was surprisingly as good as new. Every blade of grass, shrub, flower, and tree was completely intact.

All of the cultivators marveled at the sight.

Time reversal abilities were an enormous challenge even for Lords Of Heaven, but Sima Qian used one so easily.

“As expected of one of the Seven Sages Of the Bamboo Grove, the Sage Of History!!”

“To have witnessed such a scene, this trip was not in vain.”

“How amazing.” Sun Yingmeng muttered, envious: “To reverse time, I wonder if she can even resurrect the dead.”

“Probably not.” Chen Mo said.

With the Ascending Heaven’s Summit like new, Su Mian smiled: “Many thanks, Sima Qian.”

“For the next match, This Palace asks that everyone exercise caution, so as to avoid wasting a century of cultivation.” Dream In A Millennium kindly exhorted everyone. That many Earthly Immortals were annihilated by Tuwan Xu’s Heaven Rank just now, for their century of cultivation to end like this, made the girl sorrowful.

The cultivators heard her words and only felt like they were immersed in a spring breeze. Their minds were at ease, and for a moment, they each praised her.

“Prepare for the second round. Yang Guang, Xiyi, do you feel it appropriate to continue?” Su Mian asked.

Yang Guang nodded with a dark expression.

Xiyi also gently nodded.

The box whirled rapidly under her thoughts. In a flash, a starlight jumped out, forming a figure in the air.

Earthly Yuanzhi Star “Duke Wu Of Liang” Li Su Li Xiao.2

Sui Ye Star Kingdom’s fighter this time was Heavenly Xuanzhao Star “Vice Minister Of Ceremonies” Gao Jiong.

Everyone once again murmured when they saw that Mount Hua’s was another Earthly Star.

Chen Mo felt a bit regretful that Li Xiao’s opponent was not a Single Character Heavenly Star. This way, when Li Xiao forfeited, it would provide Mount Hua a very large advantage.

“Senior Sister Xiaoxiao, do your best. If something isn’t right, withdraw.”

“I’m already sick of waiting.” Li Xiao sneered.

“Xiaoxiao, listen to Chen Mo, you mustn’t show off.” Sun Yingmeng implored over and over.

“Relax, I have my own limits.”

“I’ve sparred with Xiaoxiao all this time. If it’s only Gao Jiong, she may have a chance to win.” Tan Daoling analyzed.

Hearing the Soldier Of Deceptive Ways give such an assessment, Chen Mo was half-skeptical.

As a master strategist, she was the most understanding of Li Xiao. Perhaps there was a trump card.

“However…it would have to be before Gao Jiong comprehends…” Tan Daoling wrinkled her brow.

Li Xiao stepped onto the platform, her hand holding the Snowy Night Milky Way Spear, adopting a bold and decisive pose.

Heavenly Xuanzhao Star Gao Duo stepped onto the arena. The woman was quite beautiful but there was a deeply ingrained hatred upon her expression. Others felt chills in their hearts upon seeing her.

She looked at Li Xiao’s worried appearance, as if asking why her opponent was an Earthly Star.

“Your Servant is Li Su, True Name Li Xiao. What sort of expression is that! Properly remember Your Servant’s name.” Li Xiao was very displeased.

Gao Jiong sighed, melancholy and softspoken.

Li Xiao grit her teeth. Not saying a word, she drew her spear and charged.

She used Yellow Rank “Frost Scatterer.” Spear-light twinkled, becoming concentrated snowflakes in midair. A deep chill like rose like a northern wind from her spear.

The Snowy Night Milky Way Spear’s Yellow Rank Frost Scatterer appeared simple, but if it seized the initiative to strike first, it would produce an ice-cold chill. Should the opponent avoid it, then her second technique would pounce like a torrential downpour.

How could she have anticipated that Gao Duo would remain unfazed. The girl’s brow was still so furrowed as she sighed heavily. She drew her own Star Weapon, something between a saber and a tablet. It was like a fang containing red clouds, and it was called “Containment Seal.”3

Once Containment Seal appeared, red light shone upon the ice and frost. Gao Jiong’s saber blocked the spear.

Li Xiao felt a heavy pressure as the SNowy Night Milky Way was surprisingly unable to advance an inch.

Li Xiao’s Heavenly Spirit Three Calamities was practically mature as a Realm, but compared to Gao Jiong of the Nine Elders, the disparity was very vast. The woman swung Containment Seal, and a bright light manifested like a whip.

The Snowy Night Spear’s cold-light was lassoed by the crimson light, unable to budge.

“Look out.” Sun Yingmeng shouted in worry.

Gao Jiong already slashed with the Containment Seal again.

A gash deep enough to show bone was sliced open on Li Su’s shoulder, making the girl nearly drop her weapon from the pain. Gao Jiong pressed her attack onwards. The second slash was aimed at the girl’s neck. Even if she did not cut her head, that would still leave a severe injury.

She was notusing her Heaven, Earth, Dark, or Yellow. This gentle swing brought Li Xiao enormous pressure. The techniques of a True Phoenix Realm Star General already had the supplemental might of a phoenix. In terms of power, she could not be matched.

Li Xiao’s reactions were lightning-quick. She immediately gave up with the Snowy Night Spear as her second Crimson Blood Flying Serpent Spear appeared in her hand. The Crimson Blood Spear and the Snowy Night Spear manifested as polar opposites, with the red spear like a blood-soaked serpent, very sinister.

“Even if you are a Heavenly Star, I don’t believe you can stop my Yellow Rank so easily.” Li Xiao thought to herself. Gritting her teeth hard enough to draw blood, she used Yellow Rank “Scentless.”

A snake’s pungent killing intent violently rolled forth. The smell pervaded the nose, as if one had stepped into a putrid graveyard. Gao Jiong’s furrowed brow scrunched even further. The offensive stench covered the Heavenly Xuanzhao Star’s entire body in an impenetrable wind.

Li Xiao’s “Twin Spears” Innate Skill was outstanding in all aspects. The Snowy Night Spear was proficient in “ice-cold” while the Crimson Blood Spear’s style was to be “vicious.” This spear’s attack was truly like a viper flying forth. It emitted a large swathe of foul air, sufficient to blind the opponent’s field of vision.

Tan Daoji and Li Xiao had spent all this time sparring, so she sensed the power of this technique. After this “Scetnless” Yellow Rank passed, there would be Dark Rank Python Constriction and Earth Rank Thousand Island Fragments in quick succession. As long as her assault progressed her way, she could surprise and defeat Gao Jiong.

Gao Jiong’s frowned even more with the foul wind. She raised the Containment Seal, her saber-qi like a cloud. She silently stabbed, and the power of Li Xiao’s Yellow Rank apparently lost significant murderous aura under this stab. Duke Wu Of Liang smirked. All of a sudden, her body techniques rose up like a serpent, and then she pounced downwards. That dispersed foul wind surprisingly rose fiercely in all directions.

This was Dark Rank Python Constriction.

Gao Jiong broke the Yellow Rank but did not expect the Dark Rank’s trap. However, the woman was a Nine Elder Of Sui, after all. A Star General able to rise above others in the Sui Ye Star Kingdom had to have some skill. Her brow wrinkled, and the “Containment Seal” Saber flashed and slashed at the Dark Rank with a bright rainbow.

“Thousand Island Fragments!!”

Li Xiao’s Earth Rank proceeded smoothly. Under her spear, the surrounding ten zhang suddenly let out crashing noises like colored glass shattering, piercing to the ears beyond compare.

Situated in the center, “Vice Minister Of Ceremonies” Gao Jiong was trapped by Thousand Island Fragments. The shattered pieces of space suddenly sliced at her. The woman’s body seemed to be cut by thousands of blades. In one go, Yellow, Dark, and Earth Techniques were sufficient to leave a Lord Of Heaven gasping for breath, but Li Xiao’s attack was far from over.

She swung that Snow Night Spear, and her forehead’s Star Crest and Innate Skill activated. That white spear in her hand instantly slashed straight at Gao Jiong again.

A heavenly river seemed to be pulled down from the sky by the girl. Killing intent flooded the Ascending Heaven’s Summit like a deluge.

The mountain peak tottered on the verge of collapse.

Gao Jiong’s figure completely vanished.

“Two Earth Ranks!”

Everyone cried out in astonishment upon seeing this.

Li Xiao’s assault could be described as smoothly flowing. She knew that she had no way to contend against a Heavenly Star in a direct confrontation, but she could seize her chance while the opponent was caught off guard. The two spears unleashed two Earth Ranks. Li Su practically wielded her martial arts to their utmost limit. She sensed her Star Name was throbbing in excitement. Her heart was about to leap out of her chest, and all the blood in her body flowed towards her Star Crest like a river.

Yes, this was the sensation of a Star Name feeding upon experience and maturing.

Li Xiao sensed she was apparently one step away from advancement to Heavenly Star.

Her power dispersed. Gao Jiong stared blankly at Li Xiao, then her body limply flopped over.

Everyone was deathly silent. No one imagined that in a short instant, Li Xiao would surprisingly knock a Heavenly Star to the ground.

Indeed, Five Moons Mount Hua was worthy of their name.

Could Mount Hua have won another round?

Everyone’s hearts were in their throats.

A True Phoenix appeared on Gao Jiong’s back, pulling the woman collapsed on the ground up onto her feet. That Destined Star Weapon Containment Seal glimmered with the blossoming brilliance of seven stars.

“Oh, no.”

Tan Daoling’s heart sank.

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  1. 檀道靈
  2. Author seems to vacillate between whether she is Yuanzhi or Zhi Star.
  3. 含章

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